SSI Open Water Diver Course

Do you want to get started for free?. Click the SSI banner above, get registered & start the first three chapters of the SSI Open Water Diver program for free. You will have to sign up for the remaining chapters and complete the pool and certification dives before you can be certified. Purchase your program today.

SSI Open Water Diver Class


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Have you been thinking about becoming a scuba diver, or wondered what it would be like to feel like you were flying underwater. Now here is your chance. If you love swimming and just being in the water, its time to take the plunge and get certified as an SSI Open Water Diver. Our classes are designed to work with most everyone schedule. Our classes are set up over a two weekend period and upon completion you will receive your Open Water Diver certification card.

We offer two ways to start. You can either come in and sign up to get your Digital Learning Kit, and pick out the class that fits your schedule. Or you can sign up by clicking the “Sign Up Now” link towards the bottom of the page. You can also start with the first 3 sections for free with the banner below.

After you have signed up either on-line or in the shop, your now ready to start your home study portion of the class.

The First Weekend:

The first weekend of class will be the academic review of your Digital Learning. Class starts on Friday nights with our Orientation Night. This is where you will fill out all the required liability forms and training records. You will also watch our SSI Risk Awareness videos so that you are well-informed of the risk related with scuba diving. There is also a water swim test that consist of either 200 yards without mask, fins, and snorkel, or 300 yards with, and a 10 minute water tread.

Saturdays class starts at 9 am and the first 3 sessions in the classroom are reviewed and study questions answered. The afternoon will be pool sessions 1-3. Be sure to have your snorkeling gear with you for Saturday’s pool sessions.

Sundays are just like Saturday with the last 3 sessions in the classroom being reviewed and the final exam given. Next its off to the pool to finish up the last 3 pool sessions.

The Second Weekend:

Now that all the classroom and pool sessions have been complete, its time to complete you check out certification dives. This is where you will show our instructors that you know the skill that were taught in the pool. Our instructors are not allowed to demonstrate these skills on this weekend, they are to evaluate your performance of the skills. Once you have completed all the required skills you will be able to go on your fun dive, or the last dive of class. Now that you have completed everything your instructor will present you with your SSI Open Water Certification Card.

Now you on your way to a lifetime of wonderful adventure. But don’t stop here, Continue your diving education by continued education programs. Work your way up the ranks of scuba diving. For more information on our Con ED programs please visit our specialty courses page.

Class Cost $425.00 Per person and does not include the required list below.

Required to have personal mask, fins, snorkel, and booties.

Our Open Water Course includes everything needed with the above exceptions

Happy Bubbles, and welcome to the world of Scuba Diving!!!


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